Transcription Factor-DNA Binding Site Interaction Networks

The transcription factor-DNA binding site network represents the physical interaction bewteen proteins and DNA. The network have two columns and for the former network, the first column lists using comma all components of a TF enclosed in brackets (optionally with small compounds) and in the second column declares the DNA binding site. Users should use the prefix “SMALL-” for small compounds and the prefix “BS-” to encode DNA binding sites using unique names. The second type of GRN shows in the first column the RNA polymerase holoenzyme complex (components in brackets) and in the second the promoter. Users should name promoters with the gene name followed by the suffix “-pro#” where # is an integer.


# araBAD and araC
[crp, SMALL-CAMP, crp, SMALL-CAMP]      BS-83-104
[crp, SMALL-CAMP, crp, SMALL-CAMP]      [BS-83-104, BS-araB-pro1]

araC    BS-35-51
araC    BS-56-72
araC    BS-109-125
araC    BS-130-146
araC    BS-267-283

[araC, BS-56-72]        [araC, BS-267-283, BS-araC-pro1]

[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose]   BS-35-51
[araC, BS-56-72]        SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose
[araC, BS-267-283]      SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose

[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose, BS-56-72] [araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose, BS-35-51, BS-araB-pro1]

# araFGH
[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose]   BS-158-174
[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose]   BS-137-153
[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose]   BS-83-99
[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose]   BS-62-78

[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose, BS-83-99] [araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose, BS-62-78, BS-araF-pro1]

# araE
[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose]   BS-57-73
[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose]   BS-36-52

[araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose, BS-57-73] [araC, SMALL-alpha-L-arabinopyranose, BS-36-52, BS-araE-pro1]

Finally, execute the “Rules from tf-tfbs.ipynb” to obtain the Rules to model the defined interaction network. The complete rule-based model can be found in the arabinose folder from the Network Biology Lab GitHub repository here.

# [crp, SMALL_CAMP, crp, SMALL_CAMP] interacts with BS_83_104
        prot(name = 'crp', dna = None, met = 2, up = None, dw = 1) %
        met(name = 'CAMP', prot = 3) %
        prot(name = 'crp', dna = None, met = 3, up = 1, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'CAMP', prot = 2) +
        dna(name = 'BS_83_104', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'crp', dna = None, met = 2, up = None, dw = 1) %
        met(name = 'CAMP', prot = 3) %
        prot(name = 'crp', dna = 4, met = 3, up = 1, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'CAMP', prot = 2) %
        dna(name = 'BS_83_104', prot = 4, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_1', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_1', 0))

# [crp, SMALL_CAMP, crp, SMALL_CAMP] interacts with [BS_83_104, BS_araB_pro1]
        prot(name = 'crp', dna = None, met = 2, up = None, dw = 1) %
        met(name = 'CAMP', prot = 3) %
        prot(name = 'crp', dna = None, met = 3, up = 1, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'CAMP', prot = 2) +
        dna(name = 'BS_83_104', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araB', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'crp', dna = None, met = 2, up = None, dw = 1) %
        met(name = 'CAMP', prot = 3) %
        prot(name = 'crp', dna = 4, met = 3, up = 1, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'CAMP', prot = 2) %
        dna(name = 'BS_83_104', prot = 4, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araB', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_2', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_2', 0))

# araC interacts with BS_35_51
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = None, up = None, dw = None) +
        dna(name = 'BS_35_51', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 1, met = None, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_35_51', prot = 1, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_3', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_3', 0))

# araC interacts with BS_56_72
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = None, up = None, dw = None) +
        dna(name = 'BS_56_72', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 1, met = None, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_56_72', prot = 1, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_4', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_4', 0))

# araC interacts with BS_109_125
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = None, up = None, dw = None) +
        dna(name = 'BS_109_125', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 1, met = None, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_109_125', prot = 1, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_5', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_5', 0))

# araC interacts with BS_130_146
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = None, up = None, dw = None) +
        dna(name = 'BS_130_146', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 1, met = None, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_130_146', prot = 1, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_6', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_6', 0))

# araC interacts with BS_267_283
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = None, up = None, dw = None) +
        dna(name = 'BS_267_283', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 1, met = None, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_267_283', prot = 1, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_7', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_7', 0))

# [araC, BS_56_72] interacts with [araC, BS_267_283, BS_araC_pro1]
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 1, met = None, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_56_72', prot = 1, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) +
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = None, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_267_283', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araC', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = None, up = None, dw = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_56_72', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = None, up = 1, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_267_283', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araC', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_8', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_8', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose] interacts with BS_35_51
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) +
        dna(name = 'BS_35_51', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_35_51', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_9', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_9', 0))

# [araC, BS_56_72] interacts with SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 1, met = None, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_56_72', prot = 1, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) +
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = None) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_56_72', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_10', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_10', 0))

# [araC, BS_267_283] interacts with SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 1, met = None, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_267_283', prot = 1, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) +
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = None) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        dna(name = 'BS_267_283', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_11', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_11', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose, BS_56_72] interacts with [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose, BS_35_51, BS_araB_pro1]
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_56_72', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) +
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 4, met = 3, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 3) %
        dna(name = 'BS_35_51', prot = 4, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araB', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 2, up = None, dw = 1) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 3) %
        dna(name = 'BS_56_72', prot = 4, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 4, met = 3, up = 1, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 2) %
        dna(name = 'BS_35_51', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araB', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_12', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_12', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose] interacts with BS_158_174
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) +
        dna(name = 'BS_158_174', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_158_174', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_13', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_13', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose] interacts with BS_137_153
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) +
        dna(name = 'BS_137_153', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_137_153', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_14', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_14', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose] interacts with BS_83_99
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) +
        dna(name = 'BS_83_99', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_83_99', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_15', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_15', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose] interacts with BS_62_78
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) +
        dna(name = 'BS_62_78', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_62_78', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_16', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_16', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose, BS_83_99] interacts with [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose, BS_62_78, BS_araF_pro1]
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_83_99', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) +
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 4, met = 3, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 3) %
        dna(name = 'BS_62_78', prot = 4, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araF', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 2, up = None, dw = 1) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 3) %
        dna(name = 'BS_83_99', prot = 4, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 4, met = 3, up = 1, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 2) %
        dna(name = 'BS_62_78', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araF', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_17', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_17', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose] interacts with BS_57_73
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) +
        dna(name = 'BS_57_73', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_57_73', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_18', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_18', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose] interacts with BS_36_52
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) +
        dna(name = 'BS_36_52', prot = None, free = 'True', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_36_52', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_19', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_19', 0))

# [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose, BS_57_73] interacts with [araC, SMALL_alpha_L_arabinopyranose, BS_36_52, BS_araE_pro1]
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 2, met = 1, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 1) %
        dna(name = 'BS_57_73', prot = 2, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) +
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 4, met = 3, up = None, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 3) %
        dna(name = 'BS_36_52', prot = 4, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araE', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) |
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = None, met = 2, up = None, dw = 1) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 3) %
        dna(name = 'BS_57_73', prot = 4, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        prot(name = 'araC', dna = 4, met = 3, up = 1, dw = None) %
        met(name = 'alpha_L_arabinopyranose', prot = 2) %
        dna(name = 'BS_36_52', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD) %
        dna(name = 'araE', type = 'pro1', prot = None, free = 'False', up = WILD, dw = WILD),
        Parameter('fwd_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_20', 0),
        Parameter('rvs_TranscriptionFactorMet_AssemblyRule_20', 0))


Reversibility of reactions. Atlas writes dead Rules for each reaction declared in the network file. The Parameter('fwd_ReactionName', 0)) must be set to non-zero to activate the rule and Parameter('rvs_ReactionName', 0)) must be set to non-zero to define a reversible reaction.


Simulation. The model can be simulated only with the instantiation of Monomers and Initials (More here). Run Monomer+Initials+Observables from metabolic network.ipynb to obtain automatically the necessary Monomers and Initials (including proteins and enzymatic complexes).

Plotting. The model can be observed only with the instantation of Observables (More here). Run Monomer+Initials+Observables from metabolic network.ipynb to obtain automatically the all possible Observables for metabolites.